Ubuntu Builder is a custom Linux Distribution builder that gives you a wide range of options and choices to build your own custom Ubuntu-based Linux distribution. It needs an existing Ubuntu ISO, either mounted to your CD drive or downloaded ISO to use as a baseline for your custom ISO. Customization options include: Desktop Environment/Windows Environment, System Basic Info (name, version, release note), Custom package list and downloaded Deb packages. After building your custom ISO, you can even try it on a virtual machine within the builder before burning to a CD/DVD.
You can either download the deb package from their website or alternatively add a PPA to your source list:
add-apt-repository ppa:f-muriana/ubuntu-builder
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-builder

To install Remastersys on 12.04 LTS:
Download and apply the repository gpg key:
wget -O - http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu/remastersys.gpg.key | apt-key add -
Edit sources.list and add:
deb http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu precise main
Now reload and install Remastersys:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install remastersys
For GUI version, also (after installing the above):
sudo apt-get install remastersys-gui
The options are self-explanatory. To make a live distro of your existing install pick “Distribution” and it will do the rest of the work for you. Have patience, this will take some time.